Please use this form to submit a referral and generate a referral agreement to any out-of-network (outside of the Realty Partners Referrals LLC Referral Network) broker/agent.
Your compensation on any out-of-network referral will be the referral commission submitted and paid, subject to a 70/30 split (70% of commission paid to you).
If you would like to submit a referral to our referral network, and receive a net 25% referral commission (no splits, fees or deductions), then
please use this form here instead.
Upon submission of this form we will forward a referral agreement via DocuSign first to you and then once signed, to both the referral agent, and their broker, for electronic signature. Please be sure to enter the agreed upon referral commission in the form below.
The referral agreement will only reference your referral's name. Once you receive confirmation that the referral agreement has been signed by all parties, you may then provide all remaining details to the referral agent.
We will provide payment instructions as well as our company W9 form to all parties (with copy to you) to ensure speedy payment of referral fees.